This post has actually be revealing to me. I thought I would write about books that I had read and routes that I had run and that would be about it. Truth is I haven't read many books recently. I think I still read the same amount, but now I read nonfiction on my phone about the things to follow. I also haven't run much recently. I have started walking, and I enjoy that time by myself, but I haven't done it enough, and I am sure that it will turn into running in the near future. I do a lot of thinking on these runs and walks. Walking reminds me of the walks I took with Papa and how healthy he was when I was young.
So what have I been doing...

I also like to take pictures.

And some art projects...

But mostly I cook...

And I draw...


I have long commute. I am raising 3 sons. I am in a new relationship. I do not feel like I have time alone, but I do get some stuff done when I am.
I knew you spent a lot of time building things out of wood. You seem to love to work out in your shed, sawing and hammering, creating something new with boards and nails. You've loved running ever since you discovered it when you were a child. I'm glad you do have some time alone now. It is so important for your well being. But it's best when done in silence. Turn off that TV! :) And you've become quite a cook! You do have many hobbies and that is a good thing. You teach yourself how to do things. You will never be bored.