Given the topic I decided to show you the things that I drive or ride in.

This is my car. I just paid it off this month, so I am really excited about having that money each month. This is the only car that I have bought new off the lot. One thing I will say about that is the car was worth the payment in the beginning, but towards the end I felt like I was making a new car payment on a used car. I do like that fact that I have put every mile on this car, and I know what's wrong and what's been done every step of the way. I hope to drive this thing until the wheels fall off.

This is older picture of the camper. I have taken this all over the state, and out of the state a couple of times. We have gone to the swamp, the beach, and the mountains in this, and it has really given me some freedom to go on small vacations cheaply. The boys really like camping, and we are planning a trip before school starts back this summer. I am going to try and do a make over on the inside of this thing this summer. Pinterest is not just for women.

The boys got kayaks for Christmas. We have gone a couple of times. We even went on Christmas day. I am excited about spending time with them. It is one way that we can spend time together outside away from their devices (and mine too). They are picking it up faster than I thought they would. We went last weekend and they went out of sight up the river and floated back down. I was nervous, but the smile on their faces was worth the worry that I felt.

Mama gave me a lawnmower when I moved into this house. The yard is big, and I am thankful every time I get to ride around the yard rather than push. I have to cut the grass more than once a week this time of year. We have a basketball goal in the yard and the boys are impressed that I cut the grass real low on the court so that they can dribble in the yard. I love cutting the grass, and it may be my favorite smell of all time.
There is also a trailer I bought right after the divorce. There is no picture, but it should be mentioned as much as I use it. I have not had to buy or borrow a truck since I bought it. It has been a life saver in many cases.
Now a little about the title. Mama read me this book over and over my whole childhood. On every page there was a hidden Goldbug. We spent hours looking through that book finding him. Because of the title of the topic I almost showed you pictures of my favorite books, this one would have been the first. I thought that would have been a stretch, though. In a nod to that time with Mama though I have hidden (not very well) Goldbug in all the pictures.
Well, you just brought tears to my eyes. I am loving this blog more each time you embark on a new topic. What a clever idea, Bert - tying your present life to your childhood life through this topic. Oh those years we searched for Goldbug! Those precious times we snuggled together with a book. Probably had a lot to do with the bond we have today. Can't wait to get in that kayak this summer at San Blas!!!